How to Overcome Anxiety Naturally

My Story (the very short version). 

When I was at rock bottom, I avoided leaving my home and being around people at all costs. The mere thought of having to engage in a social situation made me want to crawl in a hole. I endlessly ruminated and drew the most irrational conclusions to every thought and circumstance. In high school, I sometimes ate my lunch in the bathroom stalls. Fear, doubt, uncertainty, and guilt consumed me; I had no idea who I was and detached myself from the world.

Today I’m a full-time college student, an avid Crossfitter, runner, cyclist, a try-er of all things fitness and health-related (Yoga, Boxing, Soul Cycle, Meditation), and a part-time worker in a job that I love where I’m constantly communicating, meeting people and building connections. I can’t sit still! Good luck finding me at home.

Now, this is not to say that I have been cured of anxiety, it is and will always be a part of me. I’ve just learned how to deal with it efficiently, in a way where it no longer interferes with my everyday life and my capacity to perform at my best and accomplish my goals.

How did I overcome such severe anxiety? Or better, how can YOU overcome it?

I was prescribed Prozac and Xanax but decided not to take the medication. Here’s what I did instead:

  1. Cognitive therapy was without a doubt the most salient, enlightening, and liberating part of my journey to overcoming anxiety. I don’t know where I would be right now if I hadn’t given it a chance. Find a therapist that takes a natural, holistic approach.
  • Cognitive therapy informs you on the nature of anxiety disorder, where yours is rooting from, and how to re-navigate your thinking! Through cognitive therapy you essentially learn to be your own therapist, so that you can live your fullest live without lugging around anxious and obsessive-compulsive thoughts that prevent you from reaching the greatness that you are capable of.

CT is an emotional outlet. Most of us don’t realize all of the baggage we are lugging around, and how much we need to release until we go see a therapist. I understand myself so much better now, feel lighter, freer, and have gained so much more confidence because of it

2. Exposure work is also important.

How can you triumph over a fear that you do not face? Every hero faces a hurdle that they must overcome. They confront issues head-on, just like you must do with your anxiety. What is your anxiety limiting you from? Slowly exposing yourself to the things that make you anxious/afraid is super important in order to overcome it. (Cognitive therapy helps you do this)

4. Exercise is vital for maintaining mental health. When you exercise, your body releases endorphin’s, which uplifts your mood. It keeps your body strong, your mind alert, clear, and healthier overall. Find the physical activity that you find most enjoyable such as barre, crossfit, running, cycling, walking, yoga, boxing, MMA, etc. your options are endless. I notice that when I work out consistently, it positively affects my performance in all other aspects of my life. Find what will get you out of your house to sweat and do it consistently, feel the high!

5. Sleep- When I get sufficient amounts of sleep, my symptoms are noticeably reduced. I don’t experience obsessive-compulsive thoughts nearly as much as when I’m sleep-deprived. According to huffingtonpost, “sleep deprivation can actually fire up certain brain regions that affect our emotional processing, boosting feelings of anxiety.”

Get your full nights sleep!

6. Natural Supplements– 5-HTP supplements really help with reducing my OCD thoughts and anxiety. 5-HTP is an amino acid that our body produces on its own that naturally boosts serotonin levels in the brain (Serotonin is the happy molecule that regulates your mood) and is known to be an effective natural treatment for anxiety and depression. Along with 5-HTP I take Niacin, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and B-12 daily✨

7. Aromatherapy- Aromatherapy is a natural way to tame anxiety. Purchasing an $18 dollar essential oil diffuser could work wonders for you, seriously. Lavender oil is among the most popular essential oils used to treat anxiety because of its relaxing assets. Take the time at the beginning, and/ or end of your day to sit in your room, take some breaths and relax your mind with the scent of lavender floating around. Taking those few moments to meditate/calm your mind and work on mindfulness can really help you regain perspective, balance, and soothe you. I find that doing this at the end of my day helps me sleep better/deeper.

Friends, fellow anxious humans, I know how hard this is to cope with, and I still have my bad days (we all do), but you are strong enough to overcome this!

With love,


8 thoughts on “How to Overcome Anxiety Naturally

  1. I love this so much. I’ve had social anxiety for as long as I can remember. I hated going out in public. I thought everybody was judging me and I didn’t want to talk to anybody. Like you, I’ve learned to naturally deal with it. I have good days and bad days but lately it’s been mostly good days. Thank you for sharing your story! 💙

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